The end of summer is here! With kids going back to school and cons slowing down Corvink decided to throw a “convention” of it’s own. We’re having the biggest sale on some of our most popular convention items and exclusives. For one week and one week only (Sept 25 – Oct 2, 2019), at the Corvink Online Store, all premium prints will be the lowest price they’ve ever been. Starting at only $2, this sale is anywhere from 50-80% off! That’s crazy right? Probably, but who likes normal anyway? 

But seriously, why are the prints so cheap right now? Well, as they say “all good things come to an end,” and those good things in this case are a few of the designs we’ve been selling since the beginning. Even though they’re still great items, we’re preparing to release all new things in the years to come. So why not celebrate them with one final sale! Any print under $8 will no long be available after this sale, so act fast and get them while we’re still making them!

Please note, exclusives are around 66% off and ballerinas 50% off (both $10) and will not be this low again any time soon! 

So celebrate Corvink’s “Home Con 2019” with this crazy good sale, while supplies last.

It’s not just the movies expanding their universes anymore! That’s right, I’m expanding my Ballerina Universe to include another one of my favorite DC female heroes, Black Canary! I’ve always thought that Dinah Lance was one of the most bad ass characters DC had to offer. She might not be as strong as a God or an Amazonian, but she sure can pack a punch, both with her vocals and her fist. She’s one of the few characters who’ve taken down Superman in close combat and even has a rock band! She’s too cool. Which is why I wanted to draw a new piece inspired by her. 

As with my last runs, for a LIMITED time I will be offering a metallic printing of this piece. You’re guaranteed to get one if you pre-order. After that, a final quantity will be decided. Once they’re gone, they’ll be gone. Also, during the pre-order I’m offering $5 off all my other ballerina pieces, in any size, so you can build up your dance army! Just use the following code during check out and save on each ballerina.

Order your Black Canary Inspired Tattooed Ballerina Print today!

For years I’ve worked with my good friend Scott Ferguson, of Nerf This, on various different projects, including working on his websites and store. He even did a lot of the artwork for the game I worked on called Destined Legends (also available at Corvink). That being said, it only made sense for us to have both of our stuff available at the same place. In addition to carrying his shirts and book, we’ve also set up a “Kill EVERYTHING” shirt combo, which is one of his designs and one of mine. Anyway, don’t forget to check out all of his merch.

Instead of recapping Emerald City Comicon 2017, I thought I’d just share my experience via vlog! Check it out on the Denis Caron YouTube Channel, or just watch it above. Though, if you hop on over the YouTube you can see various other convention videos as well as art speed drawings and other things.


Students nation wide will soon be completing their academic studies from they’re prestigious universities. They’ve worked hard to learn a thing or two about a thing or two and will be receiving a fancy piece of paper to commemorate just that. While that’s an admirable path to take, we here at Corvink believe there is an easier way! You can graduate today, from the most prestigious of schools (Classhole University), just by purchasing your diplomas and alumni shirts! AND to celebrate this occation, we’re offering 25% off your Classhole purchases until June 30th by using code: GRAD25

Every so often some items have a life so great that they burn with a fiery passion! The fire they emit burns so strong and so hot that they inevitably burn out. Instead of just letting these items die, alone, in the recesses of my storage room, I’ve decided to resurrect them like the great phoenixes they are for one last hurrah! These items now live their second lives in a new section of the Corvink Store we now call the “Last Chance” Grave Yard of Eternal Life and Resurrection… A.K.A. the Clearance Section. So go swing by and grab some of these items before they go away for good.

Last Chance Clearance Sale