Pretty exciting to get some picture updates on the progress of our new shirts! Here a first look at what the hang tags and folded labels will look like. The hang tags are made out of a thicker card stock, much like you see at a retail store. The fabric label will be folded on the bottom of the shirts an aprons. This is to avoid having that scratchy label on the back of your neck, which will now be replaced with a Corvink branded printed label. They will be put on all future releases of shirts and even aprons!

First off, thank you for pre-ordering one the new shirts designs. It means a lot to me that you’re invested in what I do, and things like this help out a lot. The shirts are still in production, but I thought I’d give you a little update as to where we’re at with them. Because I ran the pre-order right before Christmas, a lot of shirt supplies close up for the holidays and don’t open up until the first week of January. As of January 3rd, I’ve been working closely with my printers on making sure we can get the best quality shirts, labels and tags. It took us about a week to finalize everything with them and the factory who is producing our new labels. It’s going to take anywhere from 2-3 weeks to get the labels produced and sent to the shirt printers, who will then be attaching the labels, printing, tagging and bagging the final product. This means they will be ready sometime late January or early February. I don’t have an exact ETA on the release, but I’ve asked my printers to give me updates each step of the way. As soon as they have a better idea on when they’ll be ready, you’ll be the first to know.

In the mean time, I thought I’d share with you what the new printed size labels will look like on the inside back of the shirts. (There will no longer be one of those annoying scratchy labels on your neck).

Well hello there Corvids! We’ve got some new shirts, in a premium new style, coming your way! “Premium new style?” Yes, that’s right. Our newest shirts will no longer have Anvil branded labels scratching your necks. Don’t you hate those? We do. From here on out, all newly printed shirts will have Corvink labels printed directly on your tee! Not only that, you’ll now know you have a genuine Corvink shirt because there will be a classy looking Corvink label stitched to the bottom of your tee as well. We’re currently working on these behind the scenes and will have some photos of what this will look like soon, but in the mean time we wanted to launch these new puppies with some awesome limited edition versions.

Infographic showing both the new Sweet Tits Muffin Co shirts in purple and red as well as the Save the Environment Kill Yourself Shirts in black and green.

Sweet Tits Muffin Co. a fan favorite for years, has been on red, black and tan aprons and black and purple shirts, but has never been on red shirts! For the year of 2017 we’ve enlarged the design and printed it on this sexy new dark red piece of fabric for you to put on your body. Not only that, for a limited time, we’re offering heather purple for the first time in unisex (pre-order only).

This pre-order is live now and will run until Friday Dec. 23rd 2016 at 12:00PM (noon) PST. After that, the BLACK “Save the Environment, Kill Yourself” and PURPLE “Sweet Tits Muffin Co.” shirts won’t be available. So grab them while you can!

We’re seriously SUPER excited to finally have branded shirts. It’s something we’ve wanted to do for a few years and finally have the resources to do. This is all thanks to your constant and amazing support. Without you, we couldn’t continue to grow. Gotta say, that’s extremely awesome to have you guys be a part of all this. We can’t wait to explore this new era of Corvink shirts (and many other things to come) with you.

PS. Did we mention we’ve got a new online store? OH! Yea. We’ve got a fancy new store too. Check out the NEW Corvink Store!

For years, literally since I started doing conventions over 6 years ago, I’ve sold buttons at conventions with a wide array of designs. They’ve always been a fan favorite and a top seller at my booth, so it only made sense to one day offer them online. Also, I’ve just had so many different designs over the years that it was hard for me to list them all at the site. I wasn’t really sure which were worth selling and which were all too ludicrous for people to connect with. I’m happy to report, you guys are just as crazy as me and pretty much loved all of the designs I’ve made! So, after years of tracking which sold the most, I’ve finally picked out an assortment of buttons (51 to be exact! haha) and spent my last weekend making them available at my site! Not only that, for a limited time I’m going to offer the same deal I have at conventions here online. Use the following codes at check out and you’ll save, if you buy 5 or 10 total: 

And that’s just a FEW of your favorites. See the full selection of over 50 buttons at the Corvink Store.

5FOR5 or 10FOR10 (50% OFF! Offer good until Sept 26th)

After a few years of being located on the outskirts of Webcomics and in the middle of the big publishing companies, we’ve finally moved! The wonderful team that runs San Diego Comic-Con did us a huge solid and moved us to a more relevant area, the Illustrators section. Meaning we are literally 1 row from Artist Alley and right next to a ton of other great illustrators. 

So don’t go looking around the 1100 row anymore or you’ll never find us! We’re now located at BOOTH 5015. If you’d like to download a full sized map, in PDF form, you can get it here. Personally, I’ve got to admit I’m super stoked about this new location and can’t wait to see all the new faces it will bring. I also hope to see all of you regular SDCCers again this year too. :] 

I’ve been blown away by the positive response over these diplomas. I didn’t think some silly idea I randomly brainstormed with my dad a few years ago, would have spoken so much, to so many of you! With the growing popularity of these, I’ve decided to expand the line with a few new diplomas. All of which will be at SDCC, but if you order them now they will be shipped before the show! Some of the new degrees include: Geekology, Lonerology, Memeology, Senpai, Supernatural and Zero F**ks Given.

[ Order Your Classhole University Diplomas Here ]

Every so often some items have a life so great that they burn with a fiery passion! The fire they emit burns so strong and so hot that they inevitably burn out. Instead of just letting these items die, alone, in the recesses of my storage room, I’ve decided to resurrect them like the great phoenixes they are for one last hurrah! These items now live their second lives in a new section of the Corvink Store we now call the “Last Chance” Grave Yard of Eternal Life and Resurrection… A.K.A. the Clearance Section. So go swing by and grab some of these items before they go away for good.

Last Chance Clearance Sale

I know we all have busy schedules and time passes before we know it, so I figured I’d give one last reminder that if you want one of these fancy-schmancy metallic linen Wonder Woman Inspired Tattooed Ballerinas prints, today is your last chance to get one! Orders will be open until 11:59pm (PST) tonight. After that, the exclusive version will no longer be available. Keep in mind, non-metallic 8×12, 12×18 and 20×30 prints are also available as well. 

“Fight Like Girl,” strong and beautiful. Wonder Woman, a long standing feminist icon, has always been the embodiment of these ideas. This Wonder Woman inspired ballerina, shows off that she’s not going to let anyone tell her who she should be or what she can do with her body. Her elegant tattoos are a beautiful expression of womanhood and self identity while maintaining the essence of her femininity.

This is the third in my Tattooed Ballerina series. The Tattooed Ballerina Legs Print & the Gothic Tattooed Ballerina Print, are also available. A fourth, Black Canary inspired Ballerina Print was added at a later date.

2016 Convention Exclusive prints by Shawn Coss and Denis Caron, the first of which shows a crow creature holding a woman it is poisoning, the second is a white hair girl with a raven skull monster behind her.

At Emerald City Comic Con this year, I released 2 ultra special convention exclusives. I say “ultra special” because I experimented with a new type of paper for these two prints that came out absolutely amazing. They are printed on a very fancy looking pearl linen paper. What that means is that the paper has a cloth like texture to it, which looks very dapper, I must say. Also the paper has a pearlescence to it that makes it have a metallic like sheen to it. When hit with the right light, it looks almost sparkly, but not at all overwhelming, which is why I chose this paper. Everyone who bought one at the convention loved it, and I love it too! Luckily we didn’t quite sell out, so you guys now have an opportunity to get your hands on one and see them for yourselves. So, what are these 2 prints of? 

Shawn Coss & Denis Caron Collaboration Print

The first print is a collaboration I did with my buddy Shawn Coss, of Cyanide and Happiness, to create this really dark romantic piece we decided to call “Reapers Waltz.” We wanted to make something that reflected the temptation to dance with the darker sides our selves. The girl, who I drew, has given into her sin and is paying the price for losing her innocence. The reaper, which Shawn drew, is the dark crow like figure administering her poison, but tenderly embracing her as she slips into her darkness. Learn more about my collaboration process with Shawn at my personal art blog.

Monsters & Dames “Necrowmancer” Print

The second print is my submission to the 2015 Monsters & Dames book. This will mark the first of my Monster & Dames Exclusive Collection; each year that I get accepted into the book, I will be offering a limited number of these metallic prints the following year. Since I’m not allowed to sell the print at the con the year the book is sold, I figured this would be a fantastic way to make these prints special for you guys each year. Like my collaboration piece, you can also learn more about the Necrowmancer piece at my personal art blog.

There are only a limited number of each of these left, so make sure to grab one soon.