Corvink at Emerald City Comic-Con 2013

We’ll be there! [ Visit Booth 2420 ]

Every year I must say, I get super excited about spring. Not because of the burning bright California sun returning or the luscious green hillsides that remind you how beautiful nature really is, but because I get to book a flight to one of my favorite places in the United States: Seattle, Washington! So what is it about Seattle that I love so much, regardless of its notoriously grey skies? Well, each year I get to exhibit at Emerald City Comicon! This con not only is one of the most fun (because I get to see a lot of my friends and returning customers that I can now consider friends) but because it also marks the beginning of my convention circuit for the year. 

2013 marks my fourth year exhibiting at Emerald City Comicon! I can’t believe I’ve been on the road promoting my art and comics that long. Thanks to all of your support though, it’s been completely worth it and I await more years of this to come!

One thing that is particularly exciting this year’s convention is that our booth is going to be packed full of amazingly talented and friendly cartoonist.  At our booth you can meet my good friends Andrew of I AM ARG, Ryan of ChannelATE, Justin of Invisible Bread, Paul of Woody After Hours, Jason of Robbie and Bobby and Alex & Ray of Buttersafe! If you haven’t read their comics yet, you should definitely check them out!

So, if you live in Seattle or want to venture all the way to that mysterious land of known as Washington, come to the con and swing by Booth 2420! We’d love to meet you!