All good things come to an end.

2020 was a hell of a year, wasn’t it? Like many others, Corvink was affected by the pandemic. Conventions canceled, retail partners shut down, and money was all around tight for everyone. Unfortunately due to these circumstances, I was forced to put my creative endeavors on hiatus.

Having the last year to reflect and consider options, I’ve had to make a few difficult decisions regarding Corvink moving forward. Instead of cutting corners and lowering the quality of my apparel, I’ve decided to discontinue any further production of them and sell what I have left on hand at a 42% discount to thank you all for supporting me all these years.


You might be wondering why 42? For those of you who are Douglas Adams fans, you’ll know that 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Being that the question for me these last few months was what to do with my remaining inventory, it only felt fitting that the answer would be 42!


Now, don’t worry. Though this may come off as a final goodbye, it is not. Corvink is alive and well. I will keep you all posted as things change and we prepare ourselves for the return of conventions and new releases in the years to come. For now, head over the Corvink Store and grab some deals!

Thank you.

Denis here! Wow, it’s been a really long time since I last updated. My apologies. Let me do a quick update to get you up to speed on what’s being going on. 

2015 was a crazy year, a good crazy, and that’s all thanks to how awesome you guys are! Because of your help, Corvink was able to release our first plush toy line, a dream I’ve had for years, and now is a reality! I’m still having a hard time processing it but with every opportunity more begin to unfold. So, as we start 2016 I’m beginning to set the stage for more and more things.

New YouTube Channel

In addition to a brand new store, which went live just a few days ago, I will also be focusing my time building up my YouTube channel. I started this channel right before my Kickstarter campaign, simply as a way to just load up some videos to share about the toys but I quickly found that I enjoy editing and began posting other content like vlogs and drawing videos. I want to do more of this in 2016 as a way to give you guys a window into what it is I do to make Corvink come alive!