With everything changing around here, it felt like it was time to upgrade and make a new website for 2025. Now that Corvink is no longer just an online store for all of Denis Caron’s art, but rather a parent company for all things he creates, there needed to be a more centralized hub for everything he’s working on. So now instead of this site just being a ton of products listings in your face, there will now be a carousel of images with links to in-depth information about all of the current (and archived) projects.

Please keep in mind that Corvink is now no longer just an online store. Corvink was originally hosted by Shopify, an e-commerce solution for small businesses like ourselves. You can still get our products on the Corvink / Denis Caron Etsy, for the time being.

A New Blog as Well?

Thats right! In addition to building a new website, we will be maintaining the Corvink Blog with important updates about what’s going on now, and in the future. Whether it be about new projects, a new website (for this or any other project), new product releases, et cetera, you will be able to find information about them here. We will of course provide links and as much info as we can on where to learn more. Also, you can now also go back and see previous company updates here on the blog as well. Most of these archived entries originated from our e-mail newsletter, so if you never signed up for that, now you can get a peek at some of the things you may have missed. The newsletter, at current, is not active, but we are working on restoring that soon as well.

Take a look around and let us know what you think! We hope you like our new website for 2025 and thanks for following along on this journey.

Hey everyone! Things are changing for Corvink. At least on a public facing stand point. After a lot of consideration, I have decided to focus my energy on Raven Stitch for the time being. Which, I’m excited to announce is its own business now, separate from Corvink. Read about the new Raven Stitch website and all the exciting things I have planned for it over on that site’s blog.

In case you were curious as to why I’m splitting Raven Stitch from Corvink, I came to the realization that they are too different. Though they share themes of magic, Raven Stitch is more child friendly, cute, and fun. Where as Corvink is edgier and often more adult themed in nature. This wasn’t the biggest problem in the world. Most people are totally fine with these being sold together, they understand that I’m an artist with tons of different ideas and creative projects. This is especially true at conventions, where there are a ton of different creative ip all on the same show floor. This however, isn’t always the case when you approach toy stores for kids, or more family friendly retail partners. That being said, I felt it was best to separate them.

While doing this, I’ve also decided to refocus my efforts on myself as an artist. Which, I’ll be posting more about on the Denis Caron Art Blog later.

So what’s next for Corvink?

Corvink as a business still exists. It is now simply the parent company to all my creative projects. When I file my taxes, apply for business related endeavors, etc., it will all be under the name, Corvink. Anything I’ve done thus far, from L.A.W.L.S Comics to Raven Stitch are all owned by me (DBA or Doing Business as Corvink) and will be under the Corvink business umbrella.

I’ll have more to say about all this in the future, but will be keeping updates to their respective websites. So please, make sure to follow me on social media at the following places. Keep in mind that Corvink’s social media, for the time being, will remain inactive unless/until things change in the future.

Follow Upcoming Projects on Our Other Social Media Accounts

I have big plans for this moving forward! Hope you come along on this new journey. Cheers!

I finally started an audio podcast with my buddy Roberto Hoyos of Throwboy, called “That Thing You Made.” We will be discussing art, products and making art into products. It’ll be available where ever you get your podcasts. The idea behind this show is to explore the thought process behind making our creative ideas into a business while occasionally analyzing other art (movies, comics, shows) created by other creative people. We will also explore product and package design, our creative processes and things like how not to work yourself to death while developing your own small, creative business!

Roberto Hoyos and Denis Caron in the podcast That Thing You Made.

UPDATE: This podcast has been completed and moved to the That Thing You Made Archive at Denis Caron’s website.

An image showing a user how to favorite items on an Etsy store featuring art of a tattooed ballerina.
How to “Favorite Shop” and “Favorite” Product on Etsy

Big news! Corvink is now on Etsy and Storenvy (links below). Our hopes being that with the upcoming holiday season that people will be favoriting our products for gift ideas and hopefully spreading the word a bit. The more places we can be found, the better, right?

One really nice thing about having your store on a marketplace (like Etsy and Storyenvy), rather than just on your own e-commerce website, is the fact that there is a built in community. The only catch is that new buyers need to feel comfortable buying from a random new store they’ve never heard of. People need confidence that a store is legit and worth their attention. Considering both of these stores are new, they both need a little bit of help getting started!

Money is tight these days, so you don’t have to go and buy anything right now, but if you want to help us get started, there are a few ways you can help in a big way! If you have an Etsy account, please consider favorite our shop and any listing you love. The more favorites an item has, the higher they will rank in search feeds. Or at least, in theory.

If you’re on Storenvy, this process is even more simple. For this site, all you need to do is click the “Envy This” button when you hover over the item. You can also click the heart below the item as well.

An infographic image showing a user how to envy or favorite an item on storenvy store.
How to “Envy This” by clicking button when you hover over a product image.

Thanks for your support, and if you have any recommendations on how Corvink can continue to grow, please share. We’d love to hear your ideas!

VISIT: Corvink on Etsy & Corvink on Storyenvy

After a ton of deliberation, I’ve decided that Corvink should be a store front, with the tagline “Occult Emporium,” which is a pretty good verbal description of the over arching theme of all my current, and future projects. Occult, for those of you not in the know, is not some creepy cultish thing. It’s actually just anything that involves the supernatural, the mystical, or general magical ideology, practices, or phenomena. Which perfectly describes a lot of the creative ideas and visions I have for Corvink moving forward. I’ll go more into this on personal art blog later, but you can read my post about why I split my websites up to learn more about this decision now. Hopefully with this you can at least you can get an idea of where I’m going with Corvink. You can also continue to see my artwork at DenisCaron.com and continue reading L.A.W.L.S. Comics at its own site again. Thanks for your support! I hope you like all the new sites.