A New Website for 2025
With everything changing around here, it felt like it was time to upgrade and make a new website for 2025. Now that Corvink is no longer just an online store for all of Denis Caron’s art, but rather a parent company for all things he creates, there needed to be a more centralized hub for everything he’s working on. So now instead of this site just being a ton of products listings in your face, there will now be a carousel of images with links to in-depth information about all of the current (and archived) projects.
Please keep in mind that Corvink is now no longer just an online store. Corvink was originally hosted by Shopify, an e-commerce solution for small businesses like ourselves. You can still get our products on the Corvink / Denis Caron Etsy, for the time being.
A New Blog as Well?
Thats right! In addition to building a new website, we will be maintaining the Corvink Blog with important updates about what’s going on now, and in the future. Whether it be about new projects, a new website (for this or any other project), new product releases, et cetera, you will be able to find information about them here. We will of course provide links and as much info as we can on where to learn more. Also, you can now also go back and see previous company updates here on the blog as well. Most of these archived entries originated from our e-mail newsletter, so if you never signed up for that, now you can get a peek at some of the things you may have missed. The newsletter, at current, is not active, but we are working on restoring that soon as well.
Take a look around and let us know what you think! We hope you like our new website for 2025 and thanks for following along on this journey.